Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Vgoshinfo is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



176, Orchard Road, #05-05, The Centrepoint, Singapore 238843



Vgosh Info Is Officially Partnered With

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Significantly reduce turnaround time for verifying customer accounts with a proprietary algorithm for authentication.


AntChain offers a traceability solution that's powered by IoT and Blockchain, so you can always be confident in the quality of your food.

Copyright Services
Copyright Services

AntChain's copyright protection platform is a copyright protection service that can prevent infringements.

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Mobile PaaS(mPaaS) is a mobile development platform that provides a cloud-to-end one-stop solution for mobile development.


Trusple is a digital international trade platform for SMEs that was created through the joint efforts of partners. Find out more about us!


We help companies and individuals build trust with each other in the digital world.

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Vgosh Info Is Officially Partnered With AntChain

Thousands of businesses, developers, and public sector organizations depend on AntChain for trustworthy and durable blockchain solutions.

We are dedicated to assisting small and micro businesses throughout the world in transforming into a safe, environmentally friendly, and sustainable society.

Ant Group has been making major investments in blockchain technology research and development to increase transparency and foster trust in sectors that often have many participants and intricate procedures.

With the capacity to handle and support one billion user accounts and one billion transactions daily, Ant Group currently possesses China’s largest productivity blockchain platform.

At the moment, AntChain receives an average of 100 million digital assets every day. 

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Who we are

The foundation of all commercial endeavors is trust, and it forms the basis of all we do.
We make it possible for participants in commercial operations, such as customers, companies, and partners, to develop and reinforce their mutual trust. We are certain that our new innovations will continue to improve the basis of trust in the digital age, particularly our AntChain blockchain solution.

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Overview of Products and Solutions

 We now have the most productive blockchain platform in China, able to handle and process 1 billion user accounts and 1 billion transactions daily.

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Use AntChain Solutions Because

Here are some key benefits of using our solutions for your company.

Future of Blockchain Technology

For three years running, the first worldwide patent blockchain application has been submitted, and it is dedicated to establishing a substantial commercial blockchain basis.

Sector Leader

Over 50 application scenarios that adhere to the economy’s service through a sustainable business model have been put into practice.

Unclosed Ecosystem

Develop Alibaba’s economic ecosystem and offer open, cutting-edge blockchain applications and commercial collaboration models.

Motivated by an Inclusive Idea

Uphold Ant Group’s inclusive philosophy by utilizing blockchain technology to address real-world social issues and reach a wider audience.

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A digital and remote internet solution to improve your e-KYC experience is ZOLOZ Real ID.


  • Users can instantly confirm their identities wherever they are, at any time, thanks to AI, deep learning, and superior optical character recognition (OCR)
  • And feel secure knowing that you’re upholding legal requirements, abiding by industry Know Your Customer (KYC) standards, and maintaining compliance
Identity Verification using ZOLOZ

Zoloz, a global pioneer in identity verification and authentication technology, offers quick and precise multi-layered checks to reduce the risk of fraud.

Product Features

Verify ID
Verify ID
The capacity to recognize and validate ID using a variety of counterfeit tests and quality checks

Character Recognition Through Optics (OCR)
Character Recognition Through Optics (OCR)
Ability to auto-fill and match ID pictures with text pulled from IDs.
Face Recognition
Face Recognition
Has the ability to recognize faces on ID and has anti-spoofing measures

Matching Faces
Matching Faces
The ability to accurately match ID photos to real-time images

Network ID (1:N Matching)
Network ID (1:N Matching)
Being able to perform real-time deduplication checks on applications received in the previous month using information from the customer
Aliveness Test
Aliveness Test
Check to see if the selfie-taker is still alive. able to recognize/capture films from different devices

Risk Engine ZOLOZ
Risk Engine ZOLOZ
A collection of rules that can be used to make choices about applications in real-time can be added to a risk engine.

Algorithm for scoring
Algorithm for scoring
The capacity to cross-check the veracity of digital identification attributes and to provide a score to facilitate more informed decision-making
Product performance and metric data analysis


Higher Compliance
Higher Compliance
User identification is verified with greater than 99.99 percent certainty using biometrics.
Lower Cost
Lower Cost
Reduce manual labor for data validation by up to 90%

More rapid onboarding
More rapid onboarding
3 minutes to apply, 10 seconds to approve

Decrease Identity Theft
Decrease Identity Theft
Rich AI model and risk engine, automatically detect fraud

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  • E-bank Account Opening
  • Mobile Check-in
  • Sharing Economy
  • Micro Financing
  • Mobile Operator Sim Card Registration
  • Online Gaming
  • Virtual Assets
  • e-Commerce
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 mPaaS effectively lower technological barriers, reduce R&D costs, improve development efficiency and facilitate the enterprise to build a stable high-quality mobile App rapidly.

mPaaS Features

  • Dynamic and Flexible Client Capabilities
    With the aid of dynamic and versatile client capabilities, developers may efficiently increase development efficiency and provide the perfect App experience.
  • Future-oriented Research and Development: Mini Program
    Achieves a smoother user experience and one development and several deliveries. At the same time, Alipay’s capabilities are completely open for launching new enterprises and ecosystems swiftly.
  • Solid Mobile Middle Office Capability
    This feature performs quick change and innovation, spans the whole lifespan of the App, and offers robust support to guarantee a steady and effective functioning of the client.
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mPaaS Benefits

Managing the lifespan of mobile apps with enterprise-grade agility and financial-grade dependability

  1. Agile App Iteration
  • Unified app development framework
  • Cross BU multi-team development
  • Modularised app development
  • Better App Performance
  • App startup time under 1 second
  • App crash rate less than 0.05%
  • Over 99.999% gateway service availability
  • Optimized in a weak network environment

2.Rich Marketing Tools

  • In-app content and ad delivery
  • Data-driven mobile user behavior analysis
  • Message pushing based on user profile
  • Geo-location tracking

3.AI Capabilities

  • User lifecycle behavior
  • Automated ad traffic allocation
  • Smart A/B testing
  • ML in OCR algorithm
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App Lifecycle

  1. Build
  • Collaborative App
  • Development
  • CI & CD

2. Test

  • Mobile Testing Platform

3. Release

  • Mini Package
  • Hot Patch
  • Offline Package
  • Version-Release

4. Analytics

  • User Behaviour
  • Performance
  • Crash
  • Customize
  • Log Management

5. Marketing

  • Content Delivery Platform
  • Mobile Push Service
  • Media Analysis
  • Customer Feedback Management

Business value

  • Improve the development and testing lead time
  • Increase the stability of mobile banking and improve customer experience
  • Use cloud-native technology to develop innovative applications
  • Utilize a video service center to provide customers with an innovative account opening and service experience
  • Opportunity for wealth management collaboration in the Greater Bay Area, improve sales conversion rate and service quality through service digitization

Contact Us

Project inquiries:

Our Offices

176, Orchard Road, #05-05, The Centrepoint, Singapore 238843
Mobile No: +65-8695-8293

2407 Mabolo Garden Flats, Tres Borces St, Cebu, Philippines
Mobile No: +63 927 960 4784

189, Sayee Nagar, 8th St, Virugambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600092
Mobile No: +91-805-684-8685

Burbank, Los Angeles, CA 91501
Mobile No: +1 213-536-1996

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